Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Airport buys land from UPS

A quick tidbit from my friends at Percival McGuire Commercial Real Estate:

Charlotte Douglas International Airport has purchased 79 acres of vacant land from UPS. The site is between a runway and U.S. 74. Purchase price: $2.5 million. Rush Dunaway and Bob Percival Sr. -- still going strong at 88 -- brokered the deal, which just closed.

The airport has been steadily buying adjoining land for future expansion.

Business is good at Percival McGuire and the airport. How's business for you? Tell me here.


Christopher D. said...

Sounds like a steal, did negotiations include a gun? Thats a selling price of only $31,625 an acre which is undervalued to say the least. I believe that the devil lies somewhere in the details and someone is greasing the wheels. A little research goes a long way, and I would imagine a future sale price to make this one seem even more skeptical. Happy holidays, someones just received an early Christmas present.