Monday, January 9, 2012

Should state pay for businesses' training?

Interesting and thought-provoking article on Sunday's front page -- -- about the state paying for some businesses' training, including Siemens in Charlotte.

Some critics question the tactic, arguing that companies ought to be picking up the tab. Others, namely the state and the companies themselves, contend that the move creates badly needed jobs.

From the story: "The weak economic recovery has prompted states to become more aggressive in the race to snag precious jobs."

What do you think? Are states, particularly North Carolina, becoming too aggressive in their hunt for jobs? (Also, see Chiquita.) Or are such incentives fair game in the current economic environment? Tell me here or post a comment. I hope to spark a lively discussion for a future blog.


Anonymous said...

The leaders of Charlotte are so inept. To even suggest that training be paid for is absurd at least and criminal at most. Being given tax breaks, land deals, moving expenses etc. Why don't we simply invest the same amount of money for these companies to encourage existing NC companies to expand? You get the same value, grow the economy and don't have to engage in what amounts to job "bribery!"

Anonymous said...

What is it about Socialism that people are so attracted too? Perhaps if they had to live in N. Korea or Cuba for a year, they would realize Socialism breeds tyranny, poverty, and corruption. Of course the state (statism) shouldn't be in private industry.

Besides, remember, the state has no money, produces no goods, and is by definition Non-Productive.

Anonymous said...

One more example of how North Carolina does not support small business and picks winners and losers using our tax payer money. Those cost to draw the new comers are pasted on to those already trying to expand and grow in a down economy.

Anonymous said...

Socialism? I would say that you are 100 percent correct. Socialism exists when government pays for things that private business should pay for! However, without the right political connections I suppose your hard worth ethic and capitalists beliefs go out the window huh?

Anonymous said...

I don't think the state should do any more for business and industry. We already restrict our workers rights to have contracts defining their conditions. We support technical schools to train workers. Enough already!!

Anonymous said...

The democratic party is leading this country to ruin, even with the mirror of the Europe it wants to be poking it in the eye with a big stick.

Pull the R lever next matter what or who, let's derail this cliff bound train of insanity.

Anonymous said...

5:19 from yeterday, that could be the number one dumbest comment ever posted here and that is saying a lot and it is exactly that kind of attitude that is leading us down Obama's deadbeat nation. I hear Cuba does a bang up job of providing wonderful things to its citizens like "free" rice cookers.

Enough is enough, this co has already hijacked millions in tax payer money. The govt needs to stop picking winners and losers, period.

Anonymous said...

States should never have started offering "incentives" to companies. Now, as with all 'welfare', businesses are looking for the government to pick up their tab rather than relying on their own ability to make a profit via sales and service. I don't remember one business class in which they spoke of how to make a profit by demanding taxpayer support.

"...the state and the companies themselves, contend that the move creates badly needed jobs...."

They will continues to use this argument while they continue to ask for more money and assistance. Pandora's Box has been opened.

Anonymous said...

In a post-NAFTA world it is a free-for-all between states.

Anyone who has studied public policy knows that low unemployment cures nearly all social ills, e.g. Medicaid costs, crime, domestic violence, unemployment benefits - all go down as employment goes up.

Meanwhile no social program(s) can overcome the devastation high unemployment creates.

So in the future corporations will not be taxed at all by states and local governments as the voting public realizes that the jobs they bring far outweigh any benefit derived from taxing their income.